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The Sweetest Dog Blog


Marina Veronica
Protecting your dog when spring showers bring toxic flowers
Spring is a time to enjoy the beauty of nature yet not all spring flowers are safe for dogs. Some plants and flowers can be harmful, or...

Marina Veronica
Petting a dog + other things that increase your oxytocin
Lab-tested methods that increase the oxytocin your body produces- making you feel better about yourself and others: 1. Listen with your...

Marina Veronica
Pooch Picasso: Making Paw Print Art
Three ways to make paw print art with your dog: Washable body paints or finger paints will likely work best and won’t cost too much....

Marina Veronica
25 Ways Dogs Show Affection
1. They will wag their tail when they are around you. A dog’s tail communicates different emotions, including happiness, fear, tension or...

Marina Veronica
How do I love thee my furry Valentine? Let me count the ways!
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and love is in the air! What better time to reflect on the unconditional love we get from our...

Marina Veronica
Made with Love: Strawberry Pup Tarts
This Valentine's Day make these delicious treats for your forever furry love! Ingredients: Dough 1-cup garbanzo flour ½-cup brown rice...

Marina Veronica
Why is your dog so affectionate in the morning ?
Here are 13 reasons why: 1. Morning Greeting The primary and most common reason your dog is affectionate in the morning is that they are...

Marina Veronica
10 Tips for Childproofing a Dog
Dogs and children can be a great combination if your dog has learned how to behave around kids. Some dogs love children and seem to...
Marina Veronica
Recipe: Snoopy's Pumpkin Surprise
Ingredients for The Great Pumpkin Surprise: 2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour 2 eggs 1/2 cup canned pumpkin 2 tablespoons unsalted natural...
Marina Veronica
Dog Treat Recipe: Carrot Cake Crunchies!
Ingredients 1 cup applesauce (plain, unsweetened, without any additives) 1/4 cup almond butter or peanut butter (raw and natural,...
Marina Veronica
Things people say to their dogs
According to Dr. Alexandra Horowitz, an observer of dogs and a cognitive scientist, what we say to our dogs tells us a lot about...

Marina Veronica
Which artist drew this boy with two dogs making friends?
Here are some clues: This artist was an American painter and illustrator. The artist was from New York City. This artist's works were the...
Marina Veronica
Bad dog? No, he's just a teenager!
Dogs do not go from being puppies to adults.. They experience being teenagers, just like humans. They shouldn't be considered "bad dogs."...
Marina Veronica
Queen Elizabeth and her beloved Corgis!
In 1933, Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret fell in love with the Corgis owned by the 5th Marquess of Bath, Thomas Thynne. Queen...

Marina Veronica
Which famous artist painted this Yorkshire Terrier?
Here are some clues: 1. He suffered from cataracts in old age. 2. Painting outdoors was critical to his style. 3. He was a French...
Marina Veronica
Which dog is "The American Gentleman"?
Clues: They were originally bred for fighting. They are affectionate. They are highly intelligent. They have a gentle temperament. They...

Marina Veronica
Which dog was an exterminator in Scotland ?
Still not sure? Here are 10 Facts: 1. Courageous, Good-Tempered and Canny 2. Dog of style, elegance and dignity 3. Bred in Scotland's...
Marina Veronica
Guessing Game: Name That Dog!
10 clues to help you guess: 1. A hybrid dog with fine-tempered parents 2. Part Cocker Spaniel 3. Happy, affectionate and friendly when...
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