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The Sweetest Dog Blog


Marina Veronica
In which year did Norman Rockwell draw this boy with his puppies?
Here are some clues: 1. The year American mass media was born! (The first commercially-licensed radio station began broadcasting live...

Marina Veronica
Which French artist made this drawing of a Fox Terrier?
Here are are some clues: 1. This graphite drawing is from 1898. 2. This artist is known for his paintings of the night life scene in...

Marina Veronica
Which famous Northern European artist drew this terrier?
Here are some clues: 1. For 250 years, this drawing was mistakenly credited to a German painter who specialized in animal paintings. 2....

Marina Veronica
Which famous artist drew this dog?
Here are some clues: 1. This artist was admired by Isabella Stewart Gardner. 2. He painted her portrait which hangs in the Isabella...

Marina Veronica
Which artist captured this sweet dog and its family relaxing in a meadow?
Here are some clues: 1. The artist was a French woman who painted the bourgeoisie. 2. She was one of the few women who exhibited with the...

Marina Veronica
Can you name the dog breed in this Renoir painting?
Here are 7 clues: It is a working dog. Selective breeding has occurred in the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland. This sets these dogs...

Marina Veronica
Which famous artist painted this crouching feline in the jungle?
Here are 10 clues: 1. It was the first of around 20 ‘jungle’ paintings that the artist produced, which are among his most popular works....

Marina Veronica
What does "Damnatio ad bestias" mean, as shown in this 3rd century AD mosaic with ferocious felines?
Leopards attacking a criminal, Roman floor mosaic, 3rd century AD, Archaeological Museum of Tunisia Answer: It means "condemnation to...

Marina Veronica
Which cat was trained to hunt in Ancient Egypt?
Here are some clues: 1. Kept as house pets, along with lions, by Egyptian royalty and high-society. 2. Perfect running machine and the...

Marina Veronica
Which 19th century Thai manuscript has watercolors of cats?
Here are some clues: 1. It is a folding book with 12 folios which open from top to bottom. 2. It was produced in the 19th century in...

Marina Veronica
Which ruler is shown ostrich hunting with his dogs on this fan?
Here are some clues: 1. This royal fan made of gold foil was found in a tomb. 2. The fan was used for leisure activities like banquets or...

Marina Veronica
From which culture was this pet mummified to meet his master in the afterlife?
This culture considered certain individual animals to be living manifestations of a god. Those individuals were duly mummifed when they...

Marina Veronica
Which breed is in the middle of this 11th Dynasty funerary stele of Intef II (2112-2063 BCE)?
Here are some clues: 1. This breed is among the best attested to in ancient Egypt. 2. They no doubt came from Nubia where it seems to...

Marina Veronica
Which wild "dog" forms the lid for an Egyptian canopic jar from the New Kingdom ?
Here are some clues: 1. Found in Africa and Southern Asia 2. Hunt small mammals, birds, and reptiles 3. Most active at dawn or dusk 4....

Marina Veronica
Which famous French artist painted this cute puppy?
Here are 10 facts to help you guess: 1. Painted in 1873 2. Was on loan to the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena in 2014-15 3. In the...

Marina Veronica
Queen Victoria elevated the stature of this dog breed
Anders Zorn, Mrs. Walter Rathbone Bacon (Virginia Purdy Barker, 1862–1919), 1897 5 Interesting Facts: 1. The ancestors of this breed were...

Marina Veronica
Which dog was bred as an exterminator in Scotland by farmers?
Image: Alex Katz, Dog at Duck Trap, 1975 Still not sure? Here are 10 Facts: 1. Courageous, Good-Tempered and Canny 2. Dog of style,...

Marina Veronica
Which famous British artist in LA painted his sausage dogs in 1993 and later published "Dog Days" ?
David Hockney's dogs Stanley and Boodgie were eight and six respectively, and his adored companions. His extensive study of them – which...

Marina Veronica
Cruelty to Animals leads to Cruelty towards Humans: Visual Wisdom by William Hogarth in 1751
Hogarth's engravings were created in 1751 to teach the lower classes in London that animal abuse would inevitably lead to human abuse....

Marina Veronica
Which type of dog is found in this romantic painting from 1724? (Art Name Game)
This breed was depicted in artwork as early as the 16th century. It was originally called the Dwarf Spaniel or Continental Toy Spaniel....
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